Amphibian Acrobats Book Launch Party

Thursday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m.

Join us to celebrate the launch of Leslie Bulion’s latest book of fabulous science poetry, Amphibian Acrobats! Leslie will do an interactive presentation, followed by activities and snacks! Come learn about all the wild things amphibians can do!

All ages welcome!

Fun for the whole family!

Books will be available for purchase and Leslie will be happy to sign them.


Wednesday, March 18 at 7 PM

Presented by Durham Public Library and the Durham Health Department, this presentation will cover what is currently known about the novel coronavirus, what is being done to prevent its spread, and what the public can do to prepare. Q & A to follow.

Presented by: Aimee Krauss, Director of Health, Durham

Registration requested. Click here to register.

A CDC flyer on best practices for preventing disease transmission can be found here.

Monday, March 16 at 7:00 PM

Learn more about Connecticut’s new free community college program, which will launch in the Fall of 2020. Enrollment specialists from Middlesex Community College will cover the program’s qualification requirements and application process as well as general information about Middlesex Community College and the FAFSA application.

For high school students and parents.

Click here to register.

Readers Theater

Armed with medicines, feeding tubes, and various medical equipment, Mary Jane is a single mother and indefatigable force when it comes to caring for her young, sick child. Amy Herzog’s moving play about the stalwart endurance of a devoted mother demonstrates the prevailing strength of the human will when fueled by unconditional love. Performed by local Durham actors.

Tuesday November 19 7 pm. Please register here

Say Hello to Our New Logo

Today we are launching a new logo, part of an updated visual identity for the Durham Public Library. You will see the new logo on our website, social media, and printed materials.

I’m sure many people are asking, “Why? We liked the old one!”

We didn’t change the logo just for the sake of change. We are continually evolving to meet the needs of our community and a simpler, more colorful logo does a better job of communicating what the library is now, in 2019. The Durham Public Library logo has been updated several times over the last 120 years, to keep up with changes in services or technology. Our most recent logo was developed in the 1990s and incorporates several elements from earlier logos, including the original library building, trees, and the arched window that is a large part of the library’s architectural identity. While the logo is very charming, the intricate pencil drawing is hard to reproduce and was not designed with today’s digital media in mind.

Library Logos Through the Years

The new logo is an evolution from the previous logos, rather than a completely new design. We kept the arched shape of the palladian window which is a hallmark of our building and we incorporated a modern, stylized tree, symbolizing both the Library’s roots in the community and our mission to help all Durham’s citizens to read, discover, and grow. We stayed true to our “Durham Green” but in a brighter, more modern palette.

We hope you like the new look and feel for the Durham Public Library.  We look forward to seeing you in the Library soon, where you will see that one thing hasn’t changed: our commitment to warm and welcoming public service.

The new logo and brand identity was designed by Rebel Interactive Group and funded by a grant from CT Humanities.

Connecticut Humanities, a nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, supports cultural and historic organizations that tell the state’s stories, build community and enrich lives.

Automatic Renewals & Lucky Day Collection

Starting on August 12, 2019, the Durham Public Library will be offering two new features: automatic renewals and a “Lucky Day” Collection.

Automatic Renewals

Almost all Durham Public Library materials will renew twice automatically, unless the book is on hold for another patron.

  1. Items will be renewed from their original due date and will renew for the original loan period. For example, books renew for an additional 21 days and DVDs renew for an additional 7 days.
  2. Items will be automatically renewed up to two times.
  3. Lucky Day books (see below) and Express DVDs have no renewals and will not be automatically renewed.
  4. Items will only renew if the item is not on hold for another patron.
  5. If your item is automatically renewed you will receive an email from us with your new due date.
  6. If your item is NOT automatically renewed you will still receive an email from us letting you know that the item is due back soon.
  7. Not all LION libraries have automatic renewals. If you have borrowed an item from another LION library, even if you checked it out in Durham, it may not be automatically renewed.

Lucky Day Collection

Tired of long waits for the newest bestseller? Today might be your lucky day! Durham’s new Lucky Day collection consists of additional copies of new and popular titles.

Here’s a few things to know:

  1. Lucky Day books circulate for 21 days, but there are no holds and no renewals.
  2. The Lucky Day collection is located at the beginning of the New Book Display.
  3. Books are marked with a label indicating they are part of the Lucky Day collection.

  • All Lucky Day titles are also available in the regular collection and those can be reserved or renewed if there are no holds on the title.

Questions? Give us a call at (860) 349-9544.

Check Out Binoculars at the Library!

Birding for Pleasure is a local organization that promotes recreational birding. They have generously made four pairs of birding binoculars available to local residents at the Durham Public Library. Binoculars may be checked out for one week by adults with a valid library card, and come with a carrying case and instruction booklet. Binoculars must be checked out and returned at the library’s circulation desk. For more information, please contact the library at 860-349-9544. Birding for Pleasure is supported by a grant from the Coginchaug Valley Education Foundation (CVEF).
Loan Period, Fines, and Fees
    • You may place a hold on binoculars, but you must pick them up and return them to Durham Public Library.
    • Binoculars may be borrowed for one week.
    • Binoculars may be renewed up to two times if no other patron is waiting.
    • A fee of $1 per day will be charged for each day the binoculars are overdue.
  • Fees will be assessed in the case of loss, damage or theft (up to $200).
  • Patrons must have a Connecticut library card with their account in good standing(not blocked by fines of $25 or more.)
  • Patron accepts full financial liability for the binoculars and agrees to pay all costs associated with the damage to, loss of, or theft of the binoculars (up to $200).
  • Patron agrees to inform library staff regarding any issues with items (broken or lost pieces, cosmetic damage, etc.).

Generous Gift Supports Children’s Services at the Durham Public Library

The Durham Public Library is pleased to announce that they have received a generous donation which has been used for the purchase new furniture, shelving, and preschool playthings in the Children’s Department.

Charles Cumello of Durham, who is President and CEO of Essex Financial, has been a longtime supporter of library programming for children and teens and this recent donation has allowed the Library to improve the function and appearance of the Children’s Room. Display shelving has been added to the ends of shelves to increase the space to display books, and the learning table in the toddler area has been replaced by a child-sized table and chairs. Lastly, the Library was able to purchase educational toys for the toddler play area. Library Director Christine Michaud states, “This donation has allowed us to make updates to the Children’s Department that will engage readers and encourage active learning.”

“The library appreciates the generosity of this gift and recognizes the impact it will have over the long term,” Michaud stated. “We want the Children’s Room to be a cheerful, interactive space for kids to explore and discover new ideas and stories. Gifts like this one are enormously helpful as we work to promote literacy and literature and strengthen our community.”

Summer reading is in full swing! A current schedule of programs at the Durham Public Library can be found on the Library website: