Join us March 2 & 3 when the whole Library will be turned into a fun and festive minigolf course for your golfing pleasure.
Saturday, March 2 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.: Adult Evening
Tickets are $25 per person. Ticket includes beer or wine, refreshments, and of course minigolf! Grab your friends and come down for an evening of fun. No one under 21 will be admitted. Refreshments provided by Pedals Smoothie and Juice Bar, Lino’s Market, Haveli India, Hard Hat Tavern, and Carmine’s Pizza. Note: There are no tee times; drop in any time between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Online Advanced Ticket Sales Are Closed — Tickets Available at the Door.
Sunday, March 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Family Day
Tickets are $5 per person for ages 5 and up or a max of $20 for a family. Children 4 and under are free. Ticket includes minigolf, snacks, and crafts. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Note: There are no tee times; drop in any time between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Online Advanced Ticket Sales Are Closed — Tickets Available at the Door.
Eagle Sponsor
Durham Lions Club
Par Sponsors
Refreshment Sponsors
Interested in promoting your business at this event? Become a sponsor! Please click here or email for more information.
Visit with Santa from 2:00-3:30 PM in the Children’s Department, do some crafts, and have a small snack! Then at 4PM head over to the Town Green for the Tree Lighting.
Drop in for an hour of sketching forest animals with Ms Dwyer.
Ms Dwyer is a former RSD13 Art educator with 36 years of teaching experience.
Together we will use line, shape, and form to draw a variety of indigenous animals including foxes, owls, squirrels, and more. All ages are welcome and parents of young artists are encouraged to participate.
Children and caregivers can visit the library this Friday to sing along with the classic Disney’s Little Mermaid. Make a craft ( or 3) take a picture as a mermaid and have some popcorn.
Registration is encouraged by not required. Costumes are encouraged but not required.
Join us this summer for a fun and exciting reading program. Starting on June 20th, head to the library to pick up a summer reading log. If you’ll be entering 6th grade in the fall of 2023, please skip to the Teen Program. If you’re not yet in Kindergarten ask for a board game. Adults, don’t leave empty-handed, make sure to take an Adult BINGO board.
Birth -Pre K – Board Game
Starting Tuesday, June 20th parents and children ( ages 0-4, not entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2023) can visit the Summer Reading Desk and pick up a Pre-K Summer Reading Challenge. If their child is entering kindergarten this fall start them with the K-5 program, Read & Bead.
Kids in grades K- 5 ( as of Fall 2023) will be doing Read & Bead.
To register, simply visit the library’s Summer Reading Desk and grab a Summer Read & Bead Activity Log along with your Read & Bead chain and your first brag tag. If you can’t make it to the library right away, you can print your log at home and backdate any activities with your caregiver’s approval.
Read or complete any other activities listed in your log each day
Color in the day to mark your progress
There’s no timing or counting necessary, just have fun and enjoy the program
Bring your log to the Summer Reading Desk and collect the beads you’ve earned
Trade in your beads for more exciting shapes and colors
Remember, you must bring your log with you to the library to collect your beads. If you’re exchanging beads to level up, please bring them with you as well.
To finish the program, simply turn in your log by September 1st and receive a small surprise. And don’t forget, all beads earned are yours to keep.
Teens ( Grades 6 -12 in the Fall of 2023)
Teens entering grades 6-12 in the fall of 2023 are invited to stop by the summer reading desk and grab a Teen BINGO card. When they’ve completed a row they can turn the board in as an entry for several possible prize baskets.
Teens can complete as many BINGO cards as they like until 8/13.
In order to be eligible for a prize basket players need to return their filled-out Bingo cards with their name and contact information fully filled out.
All prizes by September 1st.
Adults 18+ (or older teens who would rather do the adult bingo) can participate by picking up Bingo Card.
To register, simply visit the library’s Summer Reading Desk or the front desk and grab an Adult Bingo Card.
Participants can play as many cards as they like, there is no limit. Finished one? Grab another!
In order to be eligible for a prize basket players need to return their filled-out Bingo cards with their name and contact information fully filled out.
Starting July 7, there will be a drawing every two weeks for the summer reading prize. There will be a total of 4 drawings. If a name is not selected, it will be kept in the drawing for the subsequent rounds.
The four drawing dates are as follows: July 7, July 21, August 4, and August 18.
February is for showing our love and what can you love more than a puppy!?! Join us for songs, fingerplay, stories, and more about one of our favorite animals…puppies.
Wednesday, April 7 at 6 PM. Visit the 1930s home of Adolpho and Rosaria Baldizzi, immigrants from Sicily who lived at 97 Orchard Street in New York City! Via Zoom, take a tour of one of the Tenement Museum’s landmarks led by staff of the museum! We’ll explore their daily lives and experiences as immigrants living through the Great Depression. How did they manage economic struggles? What supports did they have from community and government programs, and what lessons can we draw from their story for our lives today?
Registration required. Zoom information will be sent to registrants prior to the event. Click here to register.
Questions? Email Miss Lauren at
This program is funded by a grant from the Community Foundation of Middlesex County and the Peach Pit Foundation.
Join us for a Virtual Harbor Seal Encounter via Zoom with the New England Aquarium! Engage with a marine mammal trainer as they conduct a training session with an Atlantic Harbor Seal, located right out front of the Aquarium! Learn about how they train, why they train, and what you can do to protect the ocean environment for these amazing animals!
Geared towards children and families of all ages.
Registration required. As registration is limited, we request that if you register you plan to attend. Register HERE.
Zoom link will be emailed out in advance of the program to registered participants.
This program is taking place as part of our Virtual Take Your Child To The Library Day 2021 celebration!
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