Hoopla Book Club Hub

Join us for an online book discussion using Zoom software! We’re reading News of the World by Paulette Jiles

In the wake of the Civil War, Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd travels through northern Texas, giving live readings from newspapers to paying audiences hungry for news of the world. An elderly widower who has lived through three wars and fought in two of them, the captain enjoys his rootless, solitary existence.

In Wichita Falls, he is offered a $50 gold piece to deliver a young orphan to her relatives in San Antonio. Four years earlier, a band of Kiowa raiders killed Johanna’s parents and sister; sparing the little girl, they raised her as one of their own. Recently rescued by the U.S. army, the ten-year-old has once again been torn away from the only home she knows.

Their 400-mile journey south through unsettled territory and unforgiving terrain proves difficult and at times dangerous. Johanna has forgotten the English language, tries to escape at every opportunity, throws away her shoes, and refuses to act “civilized.” Yet as the miles pass, the two lonely survivors tentatively begin to trust each other, forming a bond that marks the difference between life and death in this treacherous land.

Download a copy of the e-book or e-audiobook immediately on Hoopla (with your Durham Library card) here.  No holds and no waiting. Registration and email address required to receive a zoom link. We will email a Zoom link to all registered participants prior to the meeting. Please register here.

Online discussion (from the comfort of your own home!) will take place on Tuesday October 20 at 7:00 PM. See you then!

Thinking About Homeschooling?

Thinking about homeschooling? Join us for a panel discussion with the Connecticut Homeschool Alliance on Thursday, August 13 at 7:00 PM, via Zoom. 

Topics will include the difference between homeschooling and e-learning, considerations when deciding to homeschool, and resources available to you. There will be a question & answer portion, as well. 

For Zoom login in formation, please register at: http://www.eventkeeper.com/code/ekform.cfm?curOrg=DURHAMCT&curName=2020/08/13_Thinking_About_Homeschooling?

Take & Make for Adults

Looking to try a new craft or learn a new skill? We will offer a variety of crafts to make at home. Pick up a supply kit from the library and try your hand at a project this summer (while supplies last):

August 17 Zentangle
All you need to do this meditative art form is paper and a pen! Learn how to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. This relaxing, fun, and meditative art form is easy to learn and can improve focus and dexterity.

Kits available beginning August 17 at noon with all the supplies you need:
1 Micron 01 Pigma ink pen
Paper tiles measuring 3.5 x 3.5
Instructions for getting started and design

Computer Appointments

 Patrons may make appointments to use the public computers and/or copier, printer, or fax. Four computers will be available for patron use and spaced apart for social distancing. Appointments are first come, first serve for that day and last 30 minutes. Terminals and equipment will be cleaned between uses.

Public wifi may be accessed from the parking lot or in the building. Wifi sessions inside the building are limited to 30 minutes.

Appointments can be made by calling the library at 860-349-9544 daily beginning at 10 am and we will accept appointments until filled.  Walk-in appointments will be accommodated as available.

Patrons must wear a mask while in the library.

Due to social distancing guidelines staff are not available to directly assist patrons using the computers.

Genealogy Workshops Summer 2020

This summer we encourage you to Imagine Your Story with Bryna O’Sullivan of Charter Oak Genealogy. As part of our adult programming we will be offering a series of genealogy workshops designed to get you started researching your family tree.

Imagine Your Story: Introduction to FamilySearch
Interested in researching your family tree? FamilySearch, a free genealogy search tool developed by the Church of the Latter Day Saints is a great place to start! Learn how to access free genealogy webinars, how-to guides for local research, and original records in this workshop designed for beginners. Professional genealogist Bryna O’Sullivan will explain the information available and walk participants through how to navigate this useful website. This is a Zoom program and requires registration. An email with the link to the Zoom call will be emailed before the presentation. 
 June 10 at 7 pm. Register here.

Imagine Your Story: Using the US Census in Family Research
Looking to discover more about your family history? The Census is a valuable resource in searching your family’s history. The census, taken every 10 years since 1790, offers a wealth of information which can be overwhelming if you are new to genealogy. Professional genealogist Bryna O’Sullivan will explain the history of the Census, how to access enumeration forms to help you learn more about family, and answer any questions you have. This is a Zoom program and requires registration. An email with the link to the Zoom call will be emailed before the presentation.  
July 8 at 7 pm. Register here.

Imagine Your Story: Exploring Military Records Using Fold3
Ready to take your family search a bit deeper? Professional genealogist Bryna O’Sullivan will explain how to use the Fold3 to access and use the pension files, service records, and other resources to learn more about our Revolutionary, Civil War, and Spanish-American War ancestors. Fold3 can be accessed with a Connecticut State Library Card. To get a Connecticut State Library Card before the workshop click here. This is a Zoom program and requires registration. An email with the link to the Zoom call will be emailed before the presentation.  
July 29 at 7 pm. Register here.

Show Your Support in Our Windows!

Hello, patrons! We miss seeing you at the library and we are looking forward to when the Durham Public Library will reopen and we can visit with you all again. In the meantime, we would like to show our support for our essential personnel.  We have great windows at the library and we would like to fill them with hearts as a big “Thank You” to all of our front line workers who have kept our community going during this time.

We are asking our patrons of all ages to make hearts to display in our windows. You can make any kind of heart you would like, any size, decorated, drawn, painted, cut out or not.  Use your imagination and sign them if you wish. Bring them to the library and drop in the collection box on the bench in front.  We will hang them in our windows as we receive them. Thanks for showing your support for our front line workers!

Stay healthy and safe,
The Durham Public Library Staff

Thursday, April 23 at 7 PM

Fun for the entire family!

Join Co-Founders of A Place Called Hope, Inc. for a Birds of Prey Presentation. This live experience will offer the audience a chance to meet four Birds of Prey up close and personal. Learn ways to lessen conflicts with wildlife often encountered in one’s own backyard. Each Bird’s story of survival shares simple tips that can potentially help preserve wildlife for the future.  Cameras are encouraged!

For ages 3 and up. Registration recommended but not required. Click here to register.

This program is made possible by Birding for Pleasure and the Coginchaug Valley Education Foundation (CVEF).

Irish Music Concert

Hailed as “joyous fun” and a “wonderful musical experience”! Join us for a concert that features a mix of classical and contemporary Irish and international fold songs and ballads sung by guitarist Paul Pender and traditional Irish music played by Irish fiddler extraordinaire Deirdre McMorrow. Please register here.

March 11 7 pm.

Amphibian Acrobats Book Launch Party

Thursday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m.

Join us to celebrate the launch of Leslie Bulion’s latest book of fabulous science poetry, Amphibian Acrobats! Leslie will do an interactive presentation, followed by activities and snacks! Come learn about all the wild things amphibians can do!

All ages welcome!

Fun for the whole family!

Books will be available for purchase and Leslie will be happy to sign them.