Waste & Race in CT: A Community Conversation

Thursday, November 4th at 7 PM, via Zoom
Click HERE to register.

Sharon Lewis, Executive Director of the Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice, will bring awareness to theways in which Connecticut’s waste management system negatively impacts low-income and communities of color who live near large regional facilities. She also will explore options for achieving waste justice.

The mission of the Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice is to improve urban environmental health, primarily in Connecticut, through educating our community, through promoting changes in governmental policy, and through promoting individual, corporate, and governmental responsibility towards our environment.

Community Conversations presented by the Middlefield-Durham Racial Justice Team in partnership with the Durham Public & Levi E. Coe Libraries. Made possible by CVEF.

You Are Not Alone with Sydney Sherman

Monday, October 25 at 6 PM, via Zoom. Register HERE to receive the Zoom link.

Join us for a Zoom program by acclaimed metaphysical author, Sydney Sherman on her book, “You Are Not Alone: Our Loved Ones Are Here… You’re Just Not Listening.” This presentation will be based on Sydney Sherman’s life experiences and topics found in her book, including the science of death, the distinction between myths and the paranormal, and advice for avoiding frauds in the field. Overall, Sherman and her book will educate attendees on how they can continue their relationship with their loved ones.

Short Story Stroll

Wednesdays at 10 AM, starting October 29

Join us each week at Allyn Brook Park to discuss a short story while we take a stroll!
Register to receive the short story each week. Stories will be sent on the Wednesday before they will be discussed. This program is for adults.
Click here to register.

The Poison Squad

Now meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. Join us on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss The Poison Squad: One Chemist’s Single-Minded Crusade for Food Safety at the Turn of the 20th Century by Deborah Blum. Copies of the book will be available at the checkout desk beginning August 1. This book discussion is open to all and registration is required. You will receive a link to the zoom meeting by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept 21. Register here.

Exploring Dog DNA

Dog owners are becoming increasingly interested in the genetic make-up of their furry family members. As the popularity of Canine DNA testing grows and the trend of “Breed Reveal Parties” takes hold, the need for a general understanding of dog evolution and genetics grows. In order for owners to fully understand how their small mixed breed dog could possibly have German Shepherd in its DNA,a basic understanding of canine genetics is useful. This program, hosted by the CT Humane Society, will provide the skills needed to identify dog breeds based on their phenotypic characteristics, give background information in canine evolution, and provide a basic understanding of canine genetics. Test your knowledge of different dog breeds and learn how genetics contribute to pet health.

This is a Zoom program. Please register here and a link will be sent by 3 PM on the day of the program.

Wednesday June 16 7 PM. 

Modern Calligraphy

Come learn the popular and playful Modern Calligraphy! Connecticut calligrapher, Debby Reelitz, will teach where this style comes from, strategies on how to create this lettering style and projects to use the skills you have learned. Paper and brush pen will be provided by the library. Register anytime then pick up your materials the week of April 5th. Class and instruction takes place over Zoom.  Registration required. A link to the zoom meeting will be sent to all registrants prior to our class. This program is generously supported by P.A.L.S. Please register here.

Thursday April 8 7 – 8:30 PM. 

French Conversation Group

Calling all French speakers! Expand your speaking skills by practicing the language in a welcoming atmosphere. Open to all levels of speakers. Facilitated by native French speaker Simone Howe. Meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month on Zoom. Regular participants will receive a link to the Zoom meeting. If this is your first time please email lredfield@durhamlibrary.org to receive the Zoom link for the online meeting. See you there!

Next meeting Thursday, August 5 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Museum Magic: Meet the Baldizzi Family

Wednesday, April 7 at 6 PM. Visit the 1930s home of Adolpho and Rosaria Baldizzi, immigrants from Sicily who lived at 97 Orchard Street in New York City! Via Zoom, take a tour of one of the Tenement Museum’s landmarks led by staff of the museum! We’ll explore their daily lives and experiences as immigrants living through the Great Depression. How did they manage economic struggles? What supports did they have from community and government programs, and what lessons can we draw from their story for our lives today? 

Registration required. Zoom information will be sent to registrants prior to the event. Click here to register.

Questions? Email Miss Lauren at lredfield@durhamlibrary.org

This program is funded by a grant from the Community Foundation of Middlesex County and the Peach Pit Foundation.

Birding 101

Join the CT Audubon Society as they share their knowledge of birds with the Durham community! Learn about birds and how to identify them. Explore the ways scientists study birds, some important research questions they attempt to answer, and how you can get involved in collecting citizen science data that can be available to scientists worldwide. Register here.

Thursday March 4 at 7 PM.

Understanding Social Security

Want to get the most out of your social security  benefits? AAA Retirement will provide an overview of social security benefits for single, married, widowed, and divorced beneficiaries. Learn how to increase your social security retirement income by up to 76%, receive social security income for an ex or deceased spouse’s earnings, and understand strategies to plan retirement and navigate social security. Attendees will walk away with resources on how to get maximum benefits and transition into retirement.  

Wednesday February 24 at 6 PM

This program is being offered by AAA Retirement in partnership with the Durham Public Library. The zoom link will be sent out by AAA Retirement. Please register here to receive a link to this program.