Help the Durham Public Library design 2024’s Read & Bead brag tags. The theme?….just beach! We need designs by kids, teens & adults. We will choose 3 designs to award to next summer’s readers.
Please submit all designs by Saturday, February 3rd by giving them to the front desk, mailing them to Durham Public Library, attn Youth Service Dept. 7 Maple Ave. Durham, CT 06457, or emailing aklaus@durham library.org.
Is there a word limit?
No. However the fewer words, the larger we can make your design.
How big can my design be?
Please no larger than 8.5 x 11 paper if submitting a paper design. If submitting digital art Choose a jpg, png, gif, ai, or pdf file. Maximum upload size: 25MB.
Can I make my tags double-sided?
Yes, we prefer double-sided designs.
Can I make digital art?
Yes, If submitting digital art Choose a jpg, png, gif, ai, or pdf file. Maximum upload size: 25MB.
Can I make a paper drawing?
Yes, Please no larger than 8.5 x 11 paper. Leave a finger’s length of border around your paper.
When do I need to turn in my design?
Please submit all designs by Saturday, February 3rd.
Where do I submit my designs?
You can submit your artwork by;
- Giving them to the front desk.
- Mailing them to Durham Public Library, Attn Youth Service Dept.
7 Maple Ave. Durham, CT 06457.
- emailing aklaus@durham library.org.
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