Plant Sale/Exchange May 14

PLANT SALE/EXCHANGE RETURNS IN 2022! Start potting up your houseplants, perennials, herbs, annuals and shrubs. The Durham Library Annual Plant Sale and Exchange will be held on Saturday, May 14th. Plants may be dropped off at the library on Friday May 13th or before 9:30 am on the day of the event. The Sale/Exchange starts at 10 am. Plants must be in pots and labeled. Anyone wishing to exchange plants will receive a receipt, which will be credited for purchases at the sale.

To avoid the spread of invasive species and plant diseases, the UConn Extension Service recommends rinsing the roots and repotting plants in clean soil before swapping.

3 Programs to Spruce Up Your Garden

Designing Shady Retreats: Monday, March 28 at 6 PM, via Zoom

In this richly illustrated lecture, we explore a variety of intriguing gardens that will inspire you to create your own shady retreats! Join Joan Butler of Enchanted Gardens to learn design tricks and strategies to light up shady corners, highlight unusual plants that thrive in low-light conditions, and illustrate the creative use of art objects, seating and water features.

Click Here to Register. A Zoom link will be sent to you on the day of the program.

Sustainable Gardening: The New Lawn: Thursday, March 31 at 6:00 PM, In person at the Durham Public Library

Join Judy Preston of the Connecticut Sea Grant for a discussion of sustainable gardening practices. She will focus on lawns and talk about providing wildlife (including pollinator) habitats while protecting water quality.

Space is limited and registration is required. Click Here to Register.

A Piet Oudolf Story with Deborah Chud: Thursday, April 7 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom

Piet Oudolf has gained international renown for his imaginative plant­ings and a style that he calls naturalistic planting design. Oudolf gardens feature the plants that he has found to be the most dependable, disease resistant, and easy to maintain.Join Deborah Chud as she shares her experience growing from novice gardener to Piet Oudolf expert!

Click Here to Register. A Zoom link will be sent to you on the day of the program.

The Spring Gardening programs are made possible with funding from the Community Foundation of Middlesex County.

Library Receives Grant for Kindness Projects

THANK YOU to the Peach Pit Foundation in partnership with the Community Foundation of Middlesex County for their generous grant of $2,500 to the Durham Public Library. This money will be used to support library projects that spread kindness in our community. Stay tuned for more information about the fun and creative programs we will be launching with this generous gift!

Ukraine 101: How Did We Get Here?

Wednesday, March 9 at 6 PM, via Zoom

With war breaking out, are you looking to learn more about Ukraine? What’s the history and how did we get here? Lauren Redfield, Assistant Director of the Durham Public Library and MA in Russian and East European Studies, will lead a program on the historical background and basics of Ukraine.

Registration required. Click HERE to register.

Haiku: Capturing Moments in Nature

Monday, December 13 at 6 PM, via Zoom.

Join poet Jennifer Y. Montgomery on a journey through the history of haiku and other forms of Japanese micro poetry. From frogs to zen meditation to clandestine feudal love letters.  She’ll then guide us through the basics of haiku writing.  It’s much more than just counting lines and syllables; each haiku presents a season and a single moment in nature.  Think about your favorite season and come prepared to write your own haiku.  

Click HERE to register.

Your Pilgrim Roots

Thursday, November 18 at 6 PM, via Zoom.

Does Thanksgiving have you wondering about the family tale  that you’re descended from a Pilgrim? Join us to learn how to document your family stories about Mayflower ancestry. This presentation will introduce the migration routes out of Plymouth colony, so that you can determine which of your family lines is most likely to have Mayflower roots; identify the sources most used to document Mayflower families; and cover the basics of an application to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. 

Registration required. Click HERE to register.