STEM Transforming the World- Innovators from Connecticut

Join us for an inspiring talk celebrating incredible women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), featuring trailblazers from Connecticut! Discover their amazing achievements and learn how they’re shaping the future. This event is Perfect for kids in grades 3-6 and their families, but all ages 0-99 are welcome. Don’t miss this exciting event during Women’s History Month! Presented by the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame.  

Featuring: Emeline Roberts Jones, Emily Dunning Barringer, Theodate Pope Riddle, Alice Hamilton, Dr. Barbara McClintock, Dorrit Hoffleit, Jewel Plummer Cobb, and Jenny Lawton 

Registration is encouraged but not required .Register Here

Monday, Dec. 9 at 6:00 p.m.

Stress happens to all of us.
Why can two people be in the same situation and respond to stress differently?  Can going through stressful times without stress be a learned skill? Whatever your age or situation, this presentation will provide 10 tips to manage stress. 

Join us to learn techniques to minimize stress and maximize vitality.

A graduate of Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Wendy Hurwitz is a nationally recognized expert on stress. A former medical researcher for ABC News, Dr. Hurwitz is an expert in two fields: Mind/Body Medicine and Energy Medicine. She has a forthcoming book on stress. 

Please Note: Out of respect for those with allergies, we request audience members to refrain from wearing perfume or cologne if possible. Thank you for your kind consideration.

Click here to register

Thank You, Veterans!

Come personalize a thank you gift to our veterans! Stop by the circulation desk on Veterans Day (Nov. 11) and make a packet thanking veterans for their “roll” in our country! Packets will be dropped off at nearby VFW halls.

The Library will be open 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, November 11.

We love our PALS!

PALS, the Friends of the Durham Public Library, raises funds for library programs, technology, equipment, and staff education. Founded in 1986, PALS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Our goal is to promote awareness of all that the Durham Public Library offers and raise funds for services not included in the town budget. PALS contributions are aimed at a broad spectrum of ages and interests, so everyone can benefit from the library. We welcome donations as well as hands-on help and ideas that will keep the Durham Public Library as the heart of our town and bring value to every library user.

Some of our contributions include:

  • Programs for adults and children
  • Museum passes
  • Summer reading challenges
  • Annual book sale
  • Annual fundraisers
  • Community events
  • New furnishings for the library

PALS Meetings

PALS meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the library. Check this website for cancellations or special meeting notices. Membership is free, and meeting attendance is encouraged but not required.

Want to Learn More?

Interested in learning more? Please fill out the Information Form and we will get back to your promptly.

Introduction to eBooks and eAudiobooks

Thursday Sept. 19 at 2:00 p.m.

New to eBooks and eAudiobooks? Love them, but want to learn more about how to access them for free? Join us for a program all about eBooks and eAudiobooks and how to access them for free from the library through Hoopla, Libby and OverDrive!

Bring your tablet, Kindle, iPad or similar device and we’ll make sure you’re set up before you go home!

Click here to register.

DPL Eliminates Late Fees

Effective August 1, 2024, the Durham Public Library will cease charging late fees on most library materials, joining with public libraries across the country in a movement to reduce barriers to library access.

What does this mean for borrowers? 

  1. With the exception of physical museum passes and library equipment, daily overdue fines have been eliminated.
  2. Library items will still have due dates. Please bring your books and movies back on time so that other residents may enjoy them.
  3. We will continue to charge replacement fees for lost and damaged items.
  4. A bill for the replacement cost of overdue items will be generated automatically once an item is more than one loan period overdue. However, as soon as you return the item, the bill will be canceled and no fines will remain on your card.
  5. Patrons with more than $25 in billed items on their accounts will not be able to check out additional materials until the items are returned or paid for.
  6. We will remove old late fees from your account.  
  7. Please note that our fine-free status only applies to Durham items. If you check out an item belonging to another library (example: item borrowed through a system hold) at Durham Public Library, you’ll be charged fines based on the policy of the loaning library. 

Questions? Learn more about why we’ve decided to go fine free here or call or email us for more info.

Click here for a full list of Loan Periods, Renewal, and Fees

Looking for a Quiet Place to Read?

Try our Periodical Reading Room!

The the original library room has now been set up for silent reading or working. Comfortable chairs invite you to sit down and spend some quiet time with a book, or with the newspapers and magazines which are now located in this space.

Absolutely no conversation or phone calls allowed in this space.