Looking for a Job?

Free Online Career Assistance

JobNow™ provides library patrons with a host of services to help in every step of the job search process.  Job coaches are available to help patrons with any and all job search-related questions.  In addition to helping beginning job seekers pinpoint their desired career field, coaches can also provide constructive suggestions on resumes, help write a professional cover letter, and give live interview practice and feedback.

The link is available 24/7/365 in the library or from your home — click here or on the JobNow! icon on the left-hand side of the Library website home page.

Looking for a job? Use the Career Resources to begin your job search. Create your resume and get expert feedback. Prepare for your interview.

Not sure how to start your job search? Use eParachute to help you discover the career of your dreams.

Writing your resume? Begin by using one of the templates or the document builder in OptimalResume. Then use our Resume Lab to send it to a job coach and receive feedback and revisions to help strengthen your resume. FREE Online Career Assistance

Prepare for your interview. Read through our tips and connect with a live job coach to get ready for your interview.

Going back to school? Want to brush up on academic skills? Select “Adult Learners” from the menu to access GED prep, US Citizenship Test prep, resume assistance, Microsoft Office support, and Career Resources. Maestros en español disponible

Manage Your Library Account with Your Phone

Text Us!

Receive text messages when:

  • Items you requested are ready for pickup
  • Items you borrowed are almost due
  • Items you borrowed are overdue

Text the library to:

  • Renew your items
  • Get list of items currently checked out

Sign up for free! (Standard texting rates apply)

Text the word SIGNUP to 860-345-1307. You will receive a reply asking for your library card number. Text your library card number (under the barcode). You will receive a confirmation text. Service works with all smart phones — some older phones may be incompatible with the service.

Text Commands to: 860-345-1307

ADDCARD – Add new card(s) (i.e. spouse, children) to the same phone
ALL – Request to renew all eligible items, including overdue items
DROPCARD – Remove cards from phone
IOWEU – Request amount of current fines owed
MYBOOKS – Request a list of all current checkouts
MYCARDS – View registered card number(s) and expiration date(s) of the account(s)
OA – Request to renew all overdue items
QUIT – Discontinue the text messaging service
RA – Request to renew all eligible items (not overdue items)
RL – Request for list of eligible items (not overdue items) to choose to renew

A full list of commands and instructions is available at:  https://is.gd/SBhelp or see any staff member for assistance.


Craft Supply Swap


Time for some Crafty Spring Cleaning!

Beginning June 5 bring us your new or gently used craft supplies, books – anything a fellow crafter could make use of – and swap them for some new-to-you supplies. Drop off what you have and receive a ticket to the VIP event.